Friday 10 January 2014

Evil Boss

Läste lite HR-relaterade grejor (ja, faktiskt, på riktigt, jag läste jobbgrejor) och snubblade in på en artikel om dåliga julklappar från chefer. Och en av historierna var denna, sjukt roliga grej:
This boss stole the Christmas gift We were all called to the office for our Christmas bonuses. One of the bosses, "Emily," had a cast on her leg and was on crutches. Of course we were sympathetic and told her we were sorry that it had happened especially at Christmas time. Anyway, imagine our disbelief as "Emily" hobbled around telling each of us "Happy Holidays" and then handing us a smudged and wrinkled piece of cheap copy paper with the "Happy Holidays" printed on it. OH but there was justice that day. The owner of the company shows up for the office party. He looks around at the office and not seeing any decorations or food asks what the $5,000 he donated for the party was spent on. After hemming and hawing the "bosses" admitted they went clubbing with their husbands and spent the entire $5,000 on themselves. But it gets even better because just as they are telling the owner what they had done a cop shows up to ask some questions about the incident of the previous night which we learned was an altercation the two couples were involved in outside of a club. The best part of all was learning that one of their husbands was arrested and "Emily" had fallen and broken her leg while engaging in a drunken brawl outside of a club. So I guess the best gift I got from a boss for Christmas was the knowledge that once in awhile good old fashioned justice prevails and you don't have to do anything to get it. It just happens.
Jag ska genast sluta vara missnöjd med matpaketet som vi fick för att vi inte kunde skicka det till våra finska kunder för det var för tungt...

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